Reimagining the Gas Station

The world needs to move beyond fossil fuels and build a new network of energy stations


Create a smarter way for people
and businesses to fuel

Today 98% of vehicles are powered by fossil fuels

Everyday 40 million people in the US fill-up their vehicles at gas stations. The retail gas industry is over $500 billion dollars. But the world is changing and by 2035 gasoline powered vehicles will be banned in California and other states.

Fuel prices are volatile and unpredictable

People and businesses have no control over rising or unpredictable prices. The daily fluctuations in price makes it difficult to predict and manage fuel spend. The rising cost of energy can have a profound negative impact on people and businesses.

Everything is commoditized and marginalized

Gas stations are commoditized and take a one-size fits all approach to pricing. Credit card companies and banks charge high fees that cut into a gas station’s profitability. People need a better way to save and pay for fuel.

Electric Vehicle Charging is
too slow

Fully charging your electric vehicle at home can take over 12 hours. Almost all of the charging infrastructure out of home is also slow and not convenient. There are not enough Fast Chargers in the world to support the growing amount of electric vehicles.

Creating A Smarter and Faster Way to Fuel